Tag: women

Building a Housewife’s Paradise: Gender, Politics, and American Grocery Stores in the Twentieth Century

Building a Housewife’s Paradise: Gender, Politics, and American Grocery Stores in the Twentieth Century Building a Housewife's Paradise: Gender, Politics, and American Grocery Stores in the Twentieth Century 4

by Tracey Deutsch From the publisher: Supermarkets are a mundane feature in the landscape, but as Tracey Deutsch reveals, they represent a major transformation in the ways that Americans feed themselves. […]

Politics of the Pantry: Housewives, Food, and Consumer Protest in Twentieth-Century America

Politics of the Pantry: Housewives, Food, and Consumer Protest in Twentieth-Century America Politics of the Pantry: Housewives, Food, and Consumer Protest in Twentieth-Century America 5

by Emily E. LB. Twarog From the publisher: The history of women’s political involvement has focused heavily on electoral politics, but throughout the twentieth century women engaged in grassroots activism when […]

Woman’s Place: The Inventors, Rumrunners, Lawbreakers, Scientists, and Single Moms Who Changed the World with Food

Woman’s Place: The Inventors, Rumrunners, Lawbreakers, Scientists, and Single Moms Who Changed the World with Food Woman's Place: The Inventors, Rumrunners, Lawbreakers, Scientists, and Single Moms Who Changed the World with Food 6

by Deepi Ahluwalia and Stef Ferrari From the publisher: Discover the trailblazing women who changed the world from their kitchens. If “a woman’s place is in the kitchen,” why is the history […]

Thousand Years Over a Hot Stove: A History of American Women Told through Food, Recipes, and Remembrances

Thousand Years Over a Hot Stove: A History of American Women Told through Food, Recipes, and Remembrances Thousand Years Over a Hot Stove: A History of American Women Told through Food, Recipes, and Remembrances 7

by Laura Schenone From the publisher: A stunningly illustrated book that celebrates the power of food throughout American history and in women’s lives. Filled with classic recipes and inspirational stories, A Thousand Years Over […]